An Eight Month Leadership Course

Designed for Christian Leaders.

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2021 Fall classes begin August 17

0 Days
9 Hours
59 Minutes
59 Seconds

Intercession Leadership Institute

An eight month leadership course with two semesters.


Equipping God's leaders to be effective, by teaching them how to lead from a place of intercession and intimacy with Jesus.

The Equipping

Lead From a Place of Intimacy with Jesus

The Ways of the Holy Spirit

Deeper Level of Consecration

How to Change a City, Nation or Region

Biblical Leadership Models

Man’s False Leadership Models

Stewardship, Discipline and Perseverance

i. l. i.

Intercession Leadership Institute is designed specifically for leaders from all walks of life between the ages of 18-100. If you are a leader, or aspiring to be one in your community, business, church, home fellowship, or if you serve in the political or governmental arena; you are welcome (upon approval and availability).  

The Goal

is simply: to impart revelation from the Holy Spirit for the purpose of equipping and mobilizing effective leaders, to bring the gospel into every sect of society for permanent transformation of regions, territories and hearts of people.


$You Choose

School Tuition
(*it is optional)

If you choose to pay a tuition, you pick the amount per semester. Then, at the end of each semester, you will receive an invoice for that amount. 
(However, tuition is not required).


Registration Fee

Due Upon 
Application Approval


This training will bring acceleration, whether you are 20 years, or 2 minutes into the process of walking out the calling God has over your life. You will be encouraged to encounter God through intercessory prayer, that is built on the unshakable foundation of intimacy with Jesus.

Dinah, from Oklahoma

I highly recommend this school to anyone wanting to go to a higher level! The teaching is not only practical and extremely powerful, but when applied, will change your life like it has changed mine.

Patrick, from Arkansas

I would like to thank Tracey for helping me to realize my full potential in leadership. How to take the initiative to be a true leader by demonstrating the Word in action, and how to move forward no matter what the situation looks like. So Tracey, thank you for your leadership in helping us to realize ours!

Tim, from Michigan

This school is the alarm being sounded in the wilderness! It will strip you of every excuse you have to pray, war, live and walk in the power of Jesus Christ. 

Alicia, from Connecticut

Attending this Intercession Leadership Institute has really given light and revelation to the principles of faith that I already knew. As well as, equipped me with additional tools and specifics, as to how to use them to REALLY fulfill the call on my life, to change the world! This knowledge of the power of TRUE worship, prayer, and intercession has given me a new confidence encouragement and energy to be effective in bringing God's Kingdom here - wherever I am!!!! Go God Go!!!

Sue, from Michigan 

Tracey is exceptional! I have read and learned much over every one of these topics, but Tracey's teaching and real-life stories truly took me to a whole, new level and understanding. I am so thankful for her and this school. I highly recommend it to everyone! You will definitely experience a huge growth and advancement of God's Spirit in your life! If you choose to apply what she shares, you will never be the same.

Kristen, from California
